Animal Fouling
The Parish Council provides Dog Bins throughout the Parish. They are emptied by North East Derbyshire District Council who are also the responsible body when it comes to imposing fines, clearing up, etc.
Animal fouling is a problem in some places of the parish and the reporting of such has been taken on by NEDDC. Should you wish to contact them directly regarding this, you can do so by email at
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact them on (01246) 231111, e mail, or see their website at if you require further help, information or advice.
They have also recently launched a new self-service site called 'Do it online', where you can report problems to them at the click of a mouse, 24 hours a day!
And, if you register for an account they will remember your details so you don't have to tell them every time you get in touch. You can also contact them anonymously with complete confidence.
Problems reported via 'Do it online' go straight through to the team responsible to deal with, so no waiting around on the phone or wasted time compiling emails.